Our mission is to glorify God in response to His grace by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our core values:

♦ Gospel-centred ministry
♦ Solid Bible teaching
— Expository preaching
— Cell groups that study the Bible
— Children's & student ministry that is fun and Scripturally-based

♦ Relying on God in prayer
♦ Love for each other and for those around us.
♦ A passion for reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Guest Service this Sunday

There will be a guest service at ACA this Sunday, where the message of Christianity will be clearly explained. Joseph will be getting baptised (and we get to share in that joy with him!), and there will be food. Do come along with family and friends! :)

Taking a break from the Lord's Work

We get our identity and value in what we accomplish in our work (the number of people we serve, the number of things we are responsible for, the number of things we get done) and not from who we are in Jesus. This is a huge and significant issue that no amount of vacation is going to solve. Longevity and health in ministry will be a result of who you are in Jesus, more than what you do for Jesus. 1 John 5:21 warns us about idols. Ministry can and has become an idol for a lot of us...

Might that be you? Then read on...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thinking Theologically Conference 2010 - The Word of God

At this year's TTC, we focus on the important evangelical doctrine of Scripture.

As Christians, all that we do in the end must turn on our understanding of this doctrine. Just what does it means when we commit to upholding the Bible’s authority? Can we explain it in the face of multiple other claims to authority that we ourselves acknowledge? Is Scripture unclear in any way? In what way is Scripture authoritative when authorities conflict with what the Bible says on an issue of controversy? Just how far does Scripture’s authority go?

From November 4-6, 2010, at Port Dickson. Click here to register!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Solomon on social media

If Solomon were alive today and we were to ask him how we are to relate to one another in this digital world, if we were to ask him how we can honor God in our use of all these social media available to us today, here is how he might respond...