Our mission is to glorify God in response to His grace by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our core values:

♦ Gospel-centred ministry
♦ Solid Bible teaching
— Expository preaching
— Cell groups that study the Bible
— Children's & student ministry that is fun and Scripturally-based

♦ Relying on God in prayer
♦ Love for each other and for those around us.
♦ A passion for reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Introducing Jesus

Who is Jesus? What is Christianity all about? Come and find out more starting this Thursday (tomorrow!) at 8pm in a non-threatening and friendly environment here at ACA Church. There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions and to look at the Bible to see what it actually says about Jesus. So come along and bring your friends! :)

Week 1 (Feb 11): Who is Jesus? Evidence that demands a verdict
Week 2 (Feb 18): The Death and resurrection of Jesus: Why it's so important for me
Week 3 (Feb 25): How can I be sure I'll be secure forever?
Week 4 (Mar 4): What does it mean to follow Jesus today?